The Ossory Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes takes place from 19th May, 2025 for 5 nights with flights direct from Cork Airport.
Booking; –
Telephone: 01 241 0800 (ask for Martin Culleton)
Prices per person sharing:
Hotel Agena €949
Hotel La Solitude OR
Hotel Padoue €995
Bus from Castlecomer or Loughboy Shopping Centre Kilkenny to and from the airport.
- Direct return flight from Cork to Lourdes
- Airport taxes. Transfers between Lourdes Airport and your hotel.
- 5 nights’ accommodation
- Full board: breakfast, lunch and dinner each day.
- 20kg check in luggage + 1 very small cabin bag.
- Full services of Joe Walsh Tour assistants.
- Full religious programme OPTIONAL (NOT INCLUDED)
- Single room supplement: €39 per night in Agena, €42 per night in Padoue and Solitude
- Pilgrimage travel insurance: €45 per person up to 79 years; €65per person 80-94years
For the booking procedure for Special, Assisted/Sick Section contact Fr. Anthony O’Connor on 087-2517766.