1st February is the Feast day of St. Brigid.
St. Brigid is remembered through the ages as a woman of the land. Her feast marks the first day of Spring in the northern hemisphere. It is the season when we celebrate new life on earth. Many today draw inspiration from the respect which Brigid and our ancestors had for all creation.
She had an extraordinary concern and compassion for the poor people of her time, especially those who lived in desperate poverty in the developing world. St. Brigid’s spirit of hospitality is legendary. For Brigid, every guest was Christ. She is often referred to as a peacemaker who intervened in disputes between rival factions and brought healing and reconciliation. Brigid is depicted in an icon in the parish church in Kildare with her foot on the sword. She challenges us to be peacemakers.
Brigid held a unique position in the early Irish Church. Scholars tell us that she presided over the local church of Kildare and was head of a double monastery for men and women, spreading the values of Christ to all equally. Her life continues to sing the song of the Gospel and she continues to be remembered as an extraordinary woman of faith who occupies an important place in the hearts of the people of Ireland and far beyond.
Sunday, 2nd February is the Feast day of the Presentation of Our Lord (Candlemas Day). Candles will be blessed at Weekend Masses and donations are always welcome to offset the cost of Candles at the church shrines.
Monday 3rd February is the Feast of Saint Blaise. Mass will take place at 10am in Piltown Church with blessing of the throats immediately afterwards. People traditionally have their throats blessed around this day asking the intercession of St. Blaise for good health.